Charles Repetti
415 Main Street
Sausalito, CA 94965

(415) 332-6987

(m) (415) 515-5985




Over fifteen years as a Product Developer. A consistent focus on customer satisfaction has resulted in long-term success.

Professional Experience

“Stealth-mode” startup (2005-present) Involves the programming of a wireless embedded system, including board design and building using the XCircuit and PCB open-source tools, the Cypress wireless USB chipsets, and several microcontrollers still under evaluation.  Wire wrapped and surface-mounted working prototypes have been completed using PCB Express as a board manufacturer. Multiplexed strain gage sensors are also integrated into the design.

Texas Instruments, (2003–present) TI requested and then published an application note about my evaluation of their MSC1211EVM.   Work also included an open-source debugger.

Camper-Thermostat, Sausalito, CA (2004) A Power Budgeting Thermostat for use in campers. A complete hardware/software effort, from board design, all programming (using the Cypress PSoC "Programmable System on a Chip"), packaging, assembly, sales, marketing and shipping. A number of satisfied customers so far!

Green Lizard, LLC, Calistoga, CA (2002-2005) Worked with a small group to build three co-locations of twenty four IBM e-servers with ninety-six phone lines per box, for use as an Emergency Broadcast System. My part was to build a piece of middleware for use by other programmers on the team (see Parity Software, below. Privately owned and currently unable to meet its payroll obligations.

mPower Advisors, LLC, San Francisco, CA (2000-2001) Financial advice for a large group of 401k participants using industry standard risk management techniques over the Internet (see Banker's Trust below). A "dot com" start-up which was eventually sold to Morningstar. (1999, 2002) - Intended as a demonstration system, in order to find work in the Internet field. Using a formal approach, a set of questions concerning the customers' opinion about political issues are raised. Then, using a Solver I built myself, the simultaneous optimal set of candidates whose collective answers most closely match those given is presented. Linux/DSL, J2EE with JSP's, and a SQL database were used.

Parity Software, Sausalito, CA (1997-1998) - Produced releases 5.x of "VoiceBocx" computer telephoney ActiveX product. New features included routing functions for multi-line switching within a PC, but most work revolved around fixing product defects. Produced a "VOS RLL", a software extension for routing voice calls over an ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) network. The company was bought by the Intel Communications Fund and later sold to a group of private investors.

Metalithic Systems, Inc., Sausalito, CA (1996-1997) - Helped prepare a Digital Audio Workstation for market. The application consisted of a Windows/C++ application, a device driver, and a sound card built using Xilinx FPGA's. Research into the extensive Reconfigurable Computing literature available. A startup which folded.

Bankers Trust, New York, NY (1992 - 1995) - Produced two systems for "Global Risk Management" function. The first was a Client/Server system for thrice daily analysis of the bank-wide portfolio of positions. Sybase RPC's called from a Borland C++ Client were used for handling data flow, and an IBM RS6000 running AIX was used as a compute server.

The second system was first used by all seventy of the Bank's proprietary traders. Eventually it was used in the Bank's training program, and by a sizable proportion of the Bank's entire staff.

Its inputs are a portfolio expressed as a Delta-Gamma-Theta-Vega "Equivalent" Position in one or more of a few hundred benchmark instruments, and the price/yield series for the benchmarks. The output is a leverage ratio, which is used to rank the traders for management scrutiny. Volatility, volatility of volatility, correlation, eigenvalue and eigenvector, as well as the "square root" (though Cholesky decomposition) of the correlation matrix are calculated and used to scale a stream of random numbers for a massive portfolio stress test. A precalculation is performed quarterly, when the market price/yield feed is refreshed. Then, the system load time is just a few seconds, and most portfolios are analyzed in under ten minutes (on the best PC's).

The Excel front end to the system, as well as all documentation, data maintenance and distribution of the system, was performed by in-house staff. The code is written in C++, as an Excel add-in, with an ODBC data interface.

AlliedSignal, Inc., Washington, DC (1984-1996) - Developed and maintained an application for administrating a Political Action Committee. Compliance with government disclosure requirements is achieved. Detailed ledgers are produced for internal accounting control, documenting the two live data feeds and any additional data entry. A large amount of direct mail is generated.

The system showed views of the database as updateable facsimiles of the actual forms which are required to be submitted to the Federal Election Commission, as well as facsimiles of the other required printouts.

MS C++/MFC 4.0, MS ODBC, MS Access and MS Excel are used to produce this functionality. Previous versions used Gupta's SQLBase, Lattice dBC, dBase III, and dBase II as database servers, and the then current versions of the Windows SDK for those years in which it was available.

BlueCross/BlueShield, Washington, DC (1987 - present) - Contacted though a direct marketing effort, purchased the then current system in 1987 for their PAC. After reviewing a number of competitor's systems, contracted to fund half the development cost of the current system (AlliedSignal has funded the remainder).

Manufacturer Hanover, New York, NY (1987-1991) - Also purchased the system in 1987. The bank closed, ending our relationship.


Continuing Education

San José State University (San José, California), 2004-present
  Candidate for a Masters of Science, Electrical Engineering

College of Marin (Kentfield, California), 2005-2006
  Supporting course work for MSEE in Mathematics

San Francisco City College (San Francisco, California), present
  Supporting course work for MSEE in Physics

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

New York University (Mercer St., New York, NY)

Masters of Science, Computer Science, 1992

First Place - Greater New York Scholastic Programming Competition

Sponsored by AT&T Computer Systems and the Association for Computing Machinery

Twelfth Place - ACM International Scholastic Programming Competition Finals (San Antonio, TX USA, 1991)

Master's Thesis Research - "Building a MIDI Controller - A Laboratory Experiment". Performed in NYU's Supercomputing Laboratory. Designed and constructed a musical instrument. An array of Motorola 68HC11 microprocessors performed all analog to digital conversions on signals from an original keyboard design implemented with Magnetic Hall Effect Transducers. The input is arbitrated over a synchronous serial ring network, and output over a 31.25 kbps asynchronous serial ring network (Musical Instrument Digital Interface standard) for conventional tone generation.

Monmouth College (West Long Branch, NJ)

Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, 1988